Ever had a lazy brain day? One of those days where you’ve got a million things to do, to think about, to plan, to clean, to consider… and yet all you want to do it curl up in a corner and sleep? Not out of depression – but just…

Ever had a lazy brain day? One of those days where you’ve got a million things to do, to think about, to plan, to clean, to consider… and yet all you want to do it curl up in a corner and sleep? Not out of depression – but just…
Happy May Day! …or, as it was around our neighborhood when we were small, Happy Hang-a-Paper-Basket-Filled-With-Flowers-On-A-Neighbor’s-Doorknob Day! Ding dong ditch – only without the flaming poop! I remember doing it several years, as a kid. Making paper flowers, or stealing real ones, and stapling construction paper into various baskets…