I am not a social butterfly. I am not my Daddy’s Girl. (Although it is almost his birthday and I am thinking of him a lot lately… thus the header picture) Well, to be fair, I think he was a weird kind of extroverted hermit –…

I am not a social butterfly. I am not my Daddy’s Girl. (Although it is almost his birthday and I am thinking of him a lot lately… thus the header picture) Well, to be fair, I think he was a weird kind of extroverted hermit –…
I am a lucky girl. I have my life-long platonic soulmate, Timothy, back home in Washington. I have my life-partner and husband, Mark, every day at my side. And I have my bestie. Abbie and I met in December of…
Our gaming table has a lot of big personalities seated around it. From Paul, who is both hilarious and hugely pervy; to Brian, who is quirky and has a pretty mean sense of humor; to Tim, who comes up with some amazing snark; to Mark, who is adorably goofy and pervy; to…
This week’s List post is the RED list, a collection of facts about one of my bestest friends – reason why I love this person so very much, why they are amongst my dearest compatriots, and how they deal with the craziest tangerine this side of YouTube. So, today…
As I’ve mentioned before – Mark & I love to play tabletop RPGs (Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, Vampire, Hunter, and so on). Here in PA, we’ve got a great group of friends who also play and every other Saturday we get together to roll some dice. And yes,…