Tag Archive for rants

The Default

      Tonight I’m watching “The Station Manager” starring pre-GoT Peter Dinklage, Patricia Clarkson, and Bobby Canavale.       It is (so far – not over yet) very good; compelling performances of interesting and, yes, quirky characters. I especially enjoy Peter Dinklage’s “Fin”. He shows so much depth – as you’d expect having…


      Collective ADHD.       It really is amazing how collectively short our attention spans are today, isn’t it?       I’m watching a documentary on Bill Watterson’s “Calvin & Hobbes” (which, by the by, is totally amazing and deep and pensive and beautiful and touching and hilarious all these years…

Judge-y Eyed B*tch

      The other day, on the way to school, Mark suffered a blow-out. Fortunately, he was both okay and awesome-at-changing-tires, so he wasn’t even late for class. Still, it sucks. It is an expected expense that put a big dent in our budget, in my day, and in my sanity…      …

May Day!

      Happy May Day!       …or, as it was around our neighborhood when we were small, Happy Hang-a-Paper-Basket-Filled-With-Flowers-On-A-Neighbor’s-Doorknob Day! Ding dong ditch – only without the flaming poop! I remember doing it several years, as a kid. Making paper flowers, or stealing real ones, and stapling construction paper into various baskets…