Tag Archive for meme

All About Mark

      Well, another day, another meme-themed entry.       I realized recently that although I mention Mark frequently, I don’t have a lot of photos of us on my blog (or, ever at all anywhere because… we just don’t do photos much) and I don’t talk too much about him specifically.  …

Return to the Blog

      Yeah, I was a little ambitious in my “three times weekly” vow from last time, but who knows? I’ll work up to it. Life has been crazy and I have been watching too much DramaFever.com to bother blogging at night. Or writing. Oops, so much for starting the new year with a…

Halloween Questions

      Today, another Tumblr-meme. A list of Halloween themed questions – which seem appropriate given that its mid-October. Right? Whee!       Let’s dig in and see what *BOO!* I have in-store. What’s your favourite scary movie or story?       That’s impossible. I love scary movies and stories. Right now,…

Ladybits #3

      Time for the third installment of that silly meme I found while wasting time on Tumblr recently. As I mentioned last time, I chopped it up into bite-sized bits, because who really wants to read 5000 words on my pseudo-feminist rantings?       No one. That’s who.       ANYway……