Today is Veteran’s Day. 11/11. Thank you all for your service. This week – however – can suck it. This past week saw the single most qualified candidate in the history losing an election that was the culmination of the ugliest, most hateful, most divisive campaign…
Tag Archive for politics
Do You Feel It?
A Caveat
Now that we’re back into the swing of things (sort of, I mean, I’ve got three months of Rhiallis posts already queued up for 2016 and there are a dozen more at least) I wanted to make a sticky post here to give a caveat (okay…several) about my blog. …
Burgers, Fireworks, Sacrifice
Happy Birthday, America! (No, I will NOT type ‘Murica as so many have been doing lately. I find it offensive and lazy and damn it – I just won’t do it! Not even ironically). There have been a lot of postings amongst my Facebook friends revolving around the Declaration…
Love is Love
You might have noticed that the icon for this entry was in color. First one of its kind. Well, I haven’t posted much of by way of rants on this new blog yet, but maybe its time. Presently in the good ol’ US of A, the SCOTUS (Supreme Court…