Well, another day, another meme-themed entry. I realized recently that although I mention Mark frequently, I don’t have a lot of photos of us on my blog (or, ever at all anywhere because… we just don’t do photos much) and I don’t talk too much about him specifically. …
Let’s just get it out of the day. I took my road re-test yesterday, Sunday the 27th. I passed. YES I MUTHAFUCKIN’ DID! I PASSED THAT BITCH! *ahem* It was pretty much as terrifying as expected. Here’s…
Well. Today is the twelfth anniversary of our awkwardly adorable “are we boyfriend/girlfriend?” “yeah” “exclusive, then?” “yep” “cool” conversation. Today is also the day I did not pass my CDL test. I shouldn’t phrase it like that. I went in…
Today felt likr a natural 20 kind of day. Got less sleep than I wantes, was still reeling (confidence-wise) from a craptacular Tuesday, and Trump is still our president-elect. I needed a boost. So I donned a t-shirt I bought for Mark awhile back, and so far the charm has worked. Feelin’ ok, did muxh…
Doing It Mobile
Forgive any typos. I’m blogging from my phone in the bouncy back of a semi on rutted back roads with a fellow student driver in the driver’s seat. Today started off so rough. I failed utterly to land a single alley dock. I sucked so bad at sight-side parallel that I climbed out of the…
We’re back, bitches!
Today is Veteran’s Day. 11/11. Thank you all for your service. This week – however – can suck it. This past week saw the single most qualified candidate in the history losing an election that was the culmination of the ugliest, most hateful, most divisive campaign…
We Were On a BREAK!
I may continue to post here. I may continue to put my RP stories up. I may continue to rant and rave. Or I may not. Today, with so much looming in the days and weeks and months to come,…
Live, from Vegas! (Updated)
Vegas was HOT, guys. I mean, H-O-T! Burning hot. 110-113 every day. 90 or so every night. Walking through the outlet mall on Sunday with the sun burning down it felt like it might be a thousand degrees out there. I was pushing the double stroller…
Toast Can’t Never Be Bread Again
Spoilers will abound. Deal with it. Abbie & I began Season 4 on the day it premiered – June 17th, 2016. We only got through the first five episodes before she had to drive home for sleep, but we LOVED and hated it all. It was astounding and squirm-inducing…
Lately, I’ve been tired. The kind of tired that does not seem to abate with 10 hours of sleep (split of course, because that’s the only way I seem to be able to get it lately). The kind of tired that leaves me yawning and wanting…