Well, another day, another meme-themed entry. I realized recently that although I mention Mark frequently, I don’t have a lot of photos of us on my blog (or, ever at all anywhere because… we just don’t do photos much) and I don’t talk too much about him specifically. …
Gaming Update
I will have lots more RPs to post in the coming weeks. I’ve got months built-up. But… Here’s what’s been going on: Lorenzo was awesome fun in the Skulls & Shackles campaign. …but he was Chaotic Neutral and SUPER anti-slavery, so the pirate life didn’t suit…
Four (et cetera)
I haven’t done one of these in ages, and since I’m not posting actively on Facebook anymore, I’m going to go back to posting whatever I want, whatever strikes my little Nubby heart, whenever I feel like it, right here on JeezJosie.com. So, here’s today’s MEME: Four Names I…
Let’s just get it out of the day. I took my road re-test yesterday, Sunday the 27th. I passed. YES I MUTHAFUCKIN’ DID! I PASSED THAT BITCH! *ahem* It was pretty much as terrifying as expected. Here’s…
Well. Today is the twelfth anniversary of our awkwardly adorable “are we boyfriend/girlfriend?” “yeah” “exclusive, then?” “yep” “cool” conversation. Today is also the day I did not pass my CDL test. I shouldn’t phrase it like that. I went in…
Today felt likr a natural 20 kind of day. Got less sleep than I wantes, was still reeling (confidence-wise) from a craptacular Tuesday, and Trump is still our president-elect. I needed a boost. So I donned a t-shirt I bought for Mark awhile back, and so far the charm has worked. Feelin’ ok, did muxh…
Doing It Mobile
Forgive any typos. I’m blogging from my phone in the bouncy back of a semi on rutted back roads with a fellow student driver in the driver’s seat. Today started off so rough. I failed utterly to land a single alley dock. I sucked so bad at sight-side parallel that I climbed out of the…
We’re back, bitches!
Today is Veteran’s Day. 11/11. Thank you all for your service. This week – however – can suck it. This past week saw the single most qualified candidate in the history losing an election that was the culmination of the ugliest, most hateful, most divisive campaign…
S&S: Epilogue
Today’s snippet, titled “Epilogue”, is a piece I wrote about my PC in Paul’s new pirate themed Pathfinder Campaign. Be forewarned, there may be mature themes and naughty language below. – – – – – – – – – – – Captain Faur put most of…
Rhiallis: The Next Village
Today’s snippet, titled “The Next Village”, is a piece I wrote about my PC in Mark’s new (Good) Pathfinder Campaign. Be forewarned, there may be mature themes and naughty language below. – – – – – – – – – – – “She wants to get…