Today’s snippet, titled “Inside The Mind Of: Jehanne”, is a piece I wrote about an NPC in my Pathfinder Campaign (sort of the “King Maker” adventure path). The intention behind this was to illustrate events occurring in the world, but away from the PCs. They’re supposed to be writing their own pieces about actual in-game events. We shall see if any materialize.
Be forewarned, there are mature themes and naughty language below.
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“Be right there, General.”
Jehanne sighed, pushing a long-fingered hand through her golden curls. It was never ending, the constant beck-and-call of being the grand Phoenixian General’s deputy. And everything had become just so confusing these past months – what with the arrival of the big barrel-chested Gladiator and the elven ranger and… Darling.
The quill in her hands felt like a lead pipe, so heavy was it after hours of writing. Jehanne wiped away the excess ink with exactly three precise swipes, then lay the quill in its place. She sprinkled ponce over the page and let it sit for the count of thirty as she swiftly dealt with her other implements: the ink pot was sealed and situated just so, the seal and sealing wax returned to their positions at the head of her desk, the correction knife cleaned and neatly sheathed. Then, she opened a small salt box and sifted the sand-like granules from the page. With a flourish, she gave the finished work one last whisper of breath to dry the ink and then folded it in precise thirds. It was ready.
This ritual had become one with which she was intimately familiar; she wrote more missives and orders, tallies and letters and speeches and figures than even the Baron’s private scribes. Jehanne did not complain, she loved it dearly. The smell of a fresh pot of ink, so dark and smooth with a barely discernible indigo hue, the way a fresh-cut nib slid across the parchment like flesh upon silk.
Jehanne found herself blushing.
And she was not sure if it were the General’s flesh she was dreaming of, or…
Darling… she sighed again.
She had been the first deputy to arrive in Ryvendale, sent by Lexi’s own family, and she had not even been officially hired as such for many weeks. It was during that time that her world was turned topsy-turvy for the General had been so much more than employer or even friend – and at the time, Jehanne had been certain it was love.
Surely, those nights caressing each other, kissing and indulging in erotic fantasy, had meant something. Surely, it had been more than just… play time.
Perhaps it was not. Perhaps this anguish was her punishment.
Slowly, then all at once, things had changed. These past three months, Lexi had been spending more and more time with the newcomer, Crixus. Many of those hours were behind closed doors, but the heavy oak kept any sounds from her ears leaving her with no evidence, but plenty of imagination to torture herself with.
Not to mention, the General’s long-standing relationship with the Lady Zehavah…
And sometimes, the looks were so warm and inviting, but sometimes… it was as if they had never shared those hours and secrets and laughter and… love.
Jehanne furrowed her brow. Don’t dwell, you silly cow. Courtly romance is fickle at best, a Bard such as yourself knows that better than most.
She collected herself and pushed a hand through her hair once more, straightening the untamable clouds of gold as best she could. An armful of newly written documents awaited the General’s signature and seal and when she delivered them, Lexi smiled at her and touched her hand with a tenderness that made her second guess herself all over again.
“Thanks, Jehanne,” she said, settling in to begin sorting the orders. “I’ll have one of the clerks finish up. You can go.”
“So early?”
The General nodded, not looking up. “Make a holiday of it – the council doesn’t resume session until Toilday this week. Once these orders go out, I shall do the very same myself.”
“Oh?” Jehanne tried to sound interested, but casual. “Have you important plans for the break?”
“Nothing much, except of course that the grand opening of The General’s Rest is next week and I have been invited to ‘test out’ the Royal Suite. I look forward to it.”
“Oh.” She nodded. Yes, she’ll be breaking in that enormous ebonwood bed I they ordered months ago. Imported from Qadira… I should know… I wrote the letter and translated the negotiations.
“Anyway, if you see Crixus on your way out, will you send him in?”
A cruel dagger, if unintentional. “Of course, my Lady. Have a lovely week-end.”
“And you.”
Jehanne felt a scowl form on her lips as she departed and she chided herself for it. If anyone in the Capital was good and meant no harm, it was Lexi. Surely, the General was utterly unaware of how badly she has treated my heart. She swept her cloak around herself and shouldered her bag, leaving the General’s suite of offices to return to her own rooms.
“Well, good afternoon, golden canary,” came a smooth, deep voice behind her. Instantly, though she could not have helped it if she tried, her mood lifted and when she rounded to greet him, Jehanne grinned.
“Darling! What a pleasure to see your smarmy little face this day.”
Mathias chuckled and managed a proper bow. “And yours, sunshine. What befouls your mood so intensely that you walked right by your favorite-”
“Favorite what? Pain in the-”
“You adore me, admit it.”
She couldn’t help but smile at this, turning her face away from his gaze. He was so intense, so focused, and his attention was welcome. Yet, she hesitated. They flirted and whenever the Darling brothers invited the ladies of the council out for drinks and dancing, she and Mathias danced together more than any other pairing. Yet, she hesitated.
And why? Because you hope the General will return you to her favor? Why do you wait like some lovesick pup when she has Crixus in her bed, Zehavah in her heart, and the rule of the armies in her head? There’s no room for you, Jehanne. Leave it be – a lovely memory and nothing more. Nothing more.
“Are you coming out with us tonight? Eiralyn and Raxim have been avoiding each other so studiously all month, but Pel swears they’re coupling up when no is looking.”
She laughed. “Well, he’s sneaky enough to get in and out with no one the wiser.”
“Eiralyn included, I bet.”
Smacking his shoulder playfully, Jehanne shook her head. “You’re awful! What sort of paladin makes such jokes about his friends?”
“The best kind, little yellow pumpkin, the very best kind.” He slid his arm through hers. “You know its true, Jehanne. So come out with us. Little brother has his dancing shoes ready and he thinks that he and Treefruit can out do us.”
“Over my dead body,” she said. “I shall be there with bells on, Darling. And as much as I like Michiru, we shall tromp her and Pel into the dust if they try to best us.”
They arrived at her apartment and she turned her key in the lock. She paused, her hand still on the knob as she turned her back to the door, facing him. Mathias was quite tall, and she had to peer up at him, so handsome with his sandy blond hair tumbling across his hazel eyes. Tilting her head in a coquettish manner, Jehanne had to ask.
“What is it with the Darling brothers and all these silly nicknames? Golden Canary for me and Treefruit for Michiru.”
He gave a wry grin, then his expression softened and he grew serious. “I cannot speak for Pel, who knows his mind? But for me… I prefer to savor the taste of the name of my beloved, to use it sparingly, softly, when we are alone.”
She wet her lips. “Oh.”
Mathias nodded his head by way of bow and moved to depart.
Without a thought, her hand snaked out and caught his arm. Her fingers slid down to his hand and squeezed it. “Why don’t you come in, Darling? I’ve a new bottle of Lily’s Breath from Talador we could… drink.”
A moment of surprise colored his face, then he stroked the webbing between her thumb and forefinger and nodded. “I’d like nothing more… Jehanne.”
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Note: Image is “Brain 001” by (Obscenity) from