The fifth and final episode of “Ladybits”, a blog series in which your mighty webmistress subjects you, the poor reader, to yet another thousand or more words about ladies she loves in fiction & film. Thank you, Tumblr, for providing me with fodder for five long-ass posts about… *drumroll* LADIES!
And, on to the good stuff…
(relatively speaking)
Favorite lady ship Michiru Kaioh & Haruka Tenoh, “Sailor Moon”, by Naoko Takeuchi. Yeah, they were my first lady-on-lady love affair, but not my last. No, I am not ashamed. I love Xena/Gabby, I love Nia/Katia, I love Melanie/Lindsey, I love Santana/Brittany. I’d be hard pressed to explain it – but I would point you to the moment I first saw the subtitled Sailor Moon episodes featuring the Outer Scouts (and then read the manga, also translated) as when I first really adored a femme-femme couple. I was appalled when the English Dub turned them into cousins (COUSINS! WTF?!) and angrier still when rumors circulated that it wasn’t really “gay” because Sailor Uranus was a man… um… Whatever. They are a beautiful couple and I still dig them. In fact, I cannot wait to see how the new Sailor Moon anime handles them.
Favorite lady ship, crossover edition Willow Rosenberg & Lily Aldrin-Erikson, from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “How I Met Your Mother”, both portrayed by Alyson Hannigan. Why? Because… HOT. Okay, so this is not really a serious question for me. I don’t generally ship anyone anywhere (though Mark & I have had serious conversations about how hard we ship Michonne and Rick on “The Walking Dead”, haha, after I explained what “shipping” implies…after I read the term on Tumblr and had to go look it up…). Anyway – my lady crush on Alyson Hannigan is such that I would totally pay to see her neurotic, adorable Willow getting macked on by horny, hilarious Lily. Lily, being the sexual aggressor, would have to come on to Willow, who after the death of Tara, was likely quite awhile in recovering. But Willow was shy and Lily never seemed to be – so I imagine… um… yeah, if I was still a fifteen-year-old girl, I would be writing this smut for Tumblr fandoms. *Ahem* Moving on.
A genderswap you wish you could see N/A. Not Applicable. Whilst I love fan art of race-bending and gender-swapping… I just don’t want to remove any female character from any canon, just for the sake of seeing what beloved ladies would do if they had penises. Well-written, rounded, amazing lady-characters are too few to be callously altered into dudes even for funsies. Blah! No! I- I don’t think… Okay, I would like to see Katniss Everdeen turned into a man, and then keep his canon relationships with Peeta and Gale (also men) because frankly, I think there are also too few queer characters that aren’t raging stereotypes even today, in 2014.
And that’s that. All five entries, done. I wonder if the misandry-screaming d-bags of the interwebs would read this and think that, since I did five posts on ladies, I should do five posts on dudes, and that if I don’t, I’m a man-hating cunt. Misandry! MISANDRY!
…I hope they do, and I hope they choke on their big alligator tears. Because the whole world is already “about” men – particularly straight, white men – so they can suck it.

Note: Image is “Lip-sticks” by (Irum) from SXC.huur dream alternate universe matriarchy xxx