It is no surprise to those (HAHAHAHAHA…haha….ha….*sigh*) reading this blog, that I consider myself a talented writer. I do. Stop your giggling, I truly do think that I’m quite good.
That said… pretty much everything I “publish” here at is a first draft. Rough as fuck. Fresh out the womb. Raw. Naked. Unrefined. Unpolished. UnEDITED.
Now that may not seem like such a big deal, but I have to reiterate it occasionally. Writing is hard work; it requires much polishing and picking and slicing and adding and cutting and EDITING to get it right. To get it good.
The snippets posted here are none of those things.
They are spewed from my fingers onto the page and then sent to my gaming friends (where they are largely ignored, unfortunately) and scheduled for sharing here. There is not a lot of time spent with them because they’re fun little one-offs about PCs. They’re enjoyable side projects, snippets that I don’t usually revisit, fluff.
So please, don’t judge my “real” writing or prose with the little tidbits I share here. I am just putting the results of my hobby-time out into the world to share memories of fun sessions or to explore the growth of my PC… it isn’t “done”, but I can’t afford to spend the hours I mull over every word in a novel on these silly fluff pieces. You know?
One of these days, I’ll definitely share some really polished work that I’m proud of – and when someone eviscerates it (as they are wont to do) I will cry and take a day off writing to wonder what the Hell I am doing with my life and myself and why I ever even dreamt that I was talented… and then I’ll go on writing.
That’s how I roll, as the cool kids say.
Or did say, once upon a time.
What do they say now, I wonder?
O’well. I discovered recently that I am definitely a crotchety old person these days. They say that once you agree with the parents in a Disney movie, you’re old. Well, when Ariel says, “But Daddy, I love him!” my reaction isn’t a wistful teenage sigh, it is a shaken fist and a grumbly – “You’ve known him ten seconds, you silly little thing! Go clean your room and stop your moping!”
…and that’s the final word on First Drafts.
Note: Image is “Paint Letter” by ba1969 from