(Un)Sweet Dreams

      Have you ever had a horrible dream – not like, demons and werewolves and scary things eating you – but rather one that has a lot of real-life features and just awful implications & consequences?
      … I had a dream last night where Mark & I (and Venna) lived with Mom and Dad (yes, my Dad) in this big mountainside home. I was home alone and I heard movement outside. I looked out one of the windows and saw Dad setting the house on fire – he had barred the doors on the ground floor, set the whole perimeter of the house on the fire, and left Venna & I inside.
      Worse, even though I was able to grab my “Important Documents” file, my wedding ring, and Venna before I escaped … when the cops, fire department, and media arrived they were billing it as this horrible accident.
      No one believed me. (Except Mark, and probably Venna).
      Mom accused me of airing family business on Facebook (which some one had done using MY account, but it wasn’t actually me). She was talking to Aunt Donna on the phone and told her I was lying about the whole thing.
      People on FB and Twitter and stuff had sent the news story viral and EVERYONE had an opinion about what a sweet man my father was to try and SAVE me from the house fire (that was probably my fault anyway) and what a lying See-You-Next-Tuesday I was for exploiting him on the internet. Social Media HATED me.
      Everyone thought I was lying.
      And I somehow (because that’s how dreams work, right?) was in the next room while they were interrogating Dad and he was being this HUGE prick – like, saying things he would never have really said – to the detective. Calling him a woman, asking him if (when he confronted him) he was trying to grow some balls under his tits… telling people he had forged his signature by accident on the official reports, but in truth it was to avoid perjury… It was totally NOT my Daddy, but anyway…
      Dreams are weird, effed-up things. Now I’ve woken up grumpy and feeling quite entirely hated by the entire world.

Signed, Josie
Note: Image is “dices” by (tijmen) from SXC.hu

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