I don’t like to use the word hate.
But dang it, there are some songs I just can’t deal with. When they come up on the radio or Pandora or TV/movies – I absolutely 100% turn the channel or skip to the next song. Do you have those sorts of songs or is it just me? Like, I just despise them. They hurt my little Josie-soul™.
First up? A song that was apparently really popular and remains one of the most popular Glee-covers in the world (so they tell me, they could be wrong – I hope they are because this song blows).
I don’t think its just the lyrics or the sad-sack melody, but rather a combination of both with a healthy dash of whiny, entitled, brat either in the tone or words. This song just grates on me. It doesn’t strike me as romantic or even pleasantly wistful. Just… UGH. UGHHHH!
Even my beloved Meghan Tonjes couldn’t make me like this song if she tried.
Next, I have to say that this song is really, really ubiquitously popular with a certain sector of people and I feel bad for picking on them… Twihards, yeah, I really do feel bad for laughing at such a vast group of people, but really. C’mon. Fucking Twilight? Get obsessed over something quality, would ya? Yikes.
It came to my attention as I looked up a lyric video for this freaking song, that it is ALSO by Christina Perri. I’m sure she’s a lovely girl and I’m honestly not prejudiced against her. I just… it makes me want to rip my ears off and pee on them to sanitize the bad music out.
Another song by a chick? Why not. I guess I’m not being very feminist and supportive here, am I? Well fuck you very much, because I hate lots of male songs too. I guess I just heard a bunch of lady-centric ones on the morning I decided to write this post.
This next one feels like shooting fish in a barrel. Honestly. I could have chosen nearly any song by Taylor Swift and it would have fallen into the HATE category for me. She write catchy stuff, there’s no doubt she’s talented. But it seems to me to be a very limited, forced, problematic way. Sure, she’s not as overtly troublesome as some pop stars, but she’s certainly bad enough for me.
From the soulless tunes to the really archaic notions of femininity in the lyrics… she bugs me. And this one is just the first one that popped into my head when I was thinking of songs I hate.
Girls are worthwhile without a man, Taylor Swift. Stop writing songs that perpetuate that myth for our daughters. Jeesh.
The next one is actually a pretty empowering song, they tell me. I don’t care. I hate it. I hate it so much. It is like driving hot pins into my brain and letting the smarts leak out. Agony.
And that’s not all. I also despise this song. You could blame it on humongous overplay when it was out. Or on being in a dozen movies, shows & commercials, or that my ex-sister-in-law LOVED it… I don’t care. I just fucking hate this song.
Seriously. Fuck the Fray for writing that song, recording it, for its existence.
And up next? Two more songs by the same artist. I didn’t know, until I looked them up, that both of these songs (common fodder for shows like American Idol & the Voice) are by Train. I thought I sort of liked Train, but apparently, no. Apparently, I was mistaken because they put out two of the worst earworm monstrosities in the history of the Aughts.
Hey Soul Sister. Drops of Jupiter. They can both suck my big toe. I. Hate. Them. HATE them. I don’t even know why. But when I hear them – my brain goes into a ragey-frothy-foamy fit and I have to turn it off or else give a 15 minute dissertation on how much I hate them.
Hey, it’s irrational, but it’s me!
But wait! There’s more! I didn’t even touch off the country songs that make my skin crawl, or the rap songs that make me feel bad for humanity at large. I could go on for days.
Maybe I’ll keep a running tally and share more awful (to me!) songs later.
Right now I’m going to go check out that new Nicki Minaj video and be mesmerized by her amazing ass, because Damn. Baby got back… (see, what I did there? Because she does ‘got back’ and also, Anaconda samples from… the song… by Sir Mix-a-lot… uhhhh… yeah).

Note: Image is “3-D Teacher” by (beni_bb) from SXC.hu