Baby Cuckoo

      That is sort of a disingenuous title.
      Because I am cuckoo for a baby. Can’t wait to have one! YAY babies!
      This post is not (exactly) about my biological clock issues. No. This is about the Baby Cuckoo. My Baby Cuckoo. Okay, okay. Technically, he belongs to my little sister (Evie) and her husband (Mike), and his name is Micah Aiden Vann.
      Micah arrived on September 24th and I have not met him yet, but I am totally in love with him. Those big, basketball baby hands, those enormous liquid eyes, that squinchy, chubby baby face! AAAHHH!
      He had a really good term, from what I hear – Evie’s fitness was hardcore this time and she didn’t suffer – but during delivery he aspirated a bit of amniotic fluid & meconium and had trouble breathing at first. Poor guy was on a respirator for most of his first day; but with lots of prayers and good mojo, the kid got his lungs going and came home safe and sound.
      I can’t wait to meet him. I mean, look at this widdle face!


      And see how much Malakai loves his baby brother?


      So the newest member of the family arrived and he is precious. All reports from Evie and Mike and Mom suggest that he’s a really chill little guy. Not too fussy, not too picky, just happy to be loved! Thank God for a healthy, happy, wonderful little guy. I hope someday I’ll give him a little cousin to play with – but if not, he and Malakai are going to come visit Auntie Josie and Uncle Mark and play with our dogs and swim in our pool (yeah, I’m still dreaming about that pool) and we’re going to love him!
      Welcome to the world, Baby Cuckoo! The Vann Family of Four’s first portrait:


Signed, Josie
Note: Image is “the Vann Fam” by (Photos By Phelicia of Las Vegas)

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