Today’s snippet, titled “Rizlin’s Road Diary, Part Five”, is a piece I wrote about an NPC in my Pathfinder Campaign (sort of the “King Maker” adventure path). The intention behind this was to illustrate events occurring in the world, but away from the PCs. They’re supposed to be writing their own pieces about actual in-game events. We shall see if any materialize.
Be forewarned, there are mature themes and naughty language below.
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Kuthona 1st, 4710
Dear Diary,
Carts and wagons and pack animals abound, laden with an unbelievable array of riches and supplies. It is nearly dawn now and I swear, it seems as if half the city is out to see us off.
Or perhaps, there are just so many of us setting off that I’ve lost track of the two hundred and fifty or so that we are expecting.
I hear Gavriil calling for those of us who will ride to mount up. I must go. Already I anticipate a cold, hard ride. It has begun snowing this morning and does not show signs of letting up.
Who had the grand idea to travel south in the cold, bitter, bitchy heart of winter anyway?
Kuthona 7th, 4710
Dear Diary,
At last.
At last!
The past six days have been amongst the longest, coldest, funnest, and yet, worse of my life.
Such fun to be had, so many people in such great spirits! Excited about all the adventure ahead, anticipating great riches and a place in history amongst those who founded a whole new colony…
But the snow and ice turned a two-and-a-half day ride into a six day march into the coldest reaches of the nine Hells.
Still, between the magic Abadar grants me and the amazing, enchanted little hut Gavriil acquired in Restov, I am amongst the most comfortable of the folks on this journey.
I feel so terrible for some of the poorest laborers who came with naught much more than the clothes on their backs. Though we, the High Council of Phoenixa, have done all we can to assure that our prosperous population begins and remains that way… there will always be those with less…
Damn it.
Kuthona 22nd, 4710
Dear Diary,
Had I known that the journey from Leveton to the site of our future capital city – Ryvendale – would take fifteen fucking days, I might not have complained about the trip from Restov to Leveton.
Spirits were high upon setting out, but tempers frayed by the time we reached the Tuskwater. And with plenty of room and many trees to provide shelter, but no outbuildings or permanent structures (save the fort itself, which will house the council, its families, and the Phoenix Rising mercenaries only) I imagine we will lose some number of settlers to frostbite, pneumonia and chill despite the incredibly tireless work of Lexi and Erin and the other paladins.
Rona, a priestess from the Temple of Sarenrae, and I have performed a ritual cleansing of these grounds – the taint of Gyronna is gone and we are now free to settle here.
I cannot wait for construction to begin!
Abadius 25th, 4710
Dear Diary,
A courier arrived this morning, just hours after Lexi, Lieutenant Dan, Schmort, and Boris left for Leveton. Lexi, in anticipation of Zehavah’s impending delivery, has been studying midwifery. She is going to assist in Svetlana’s birth.
I celebrate the arrival of new babies and yes, I long for my own. But until Gavriil and I decide to marry, there can be no children for me. Still, one day… a beautiful raven-haired child with Gavriil’’s strong chin and my eyes. Perhaps we shall name her after my mother, Emmannuelle, or my father.
Or, if he prefers, his own family must have honored dead after whom we can name a child.
Oh! The courier. He came clad in gold with a black eagle upon his breast and there could be no mistaking his origins: a herald from House Orlovsky. Given the tenuous political situation in Brevoy, for him to come so boldly here, without diplomatic reasons… it was simply, unnerving.
Still, he brought a pouch filled with letters from Restov and surrounds, mostly personal ones for settlers. There was one for Lucille Saine, and another for one of Zehavah’s children from a playmate she knew in Restov.
Mine came in a plain parchment envelope marked with orange wax and a pine tree sigil. I do not recognize either. My Uncle’s terse penmanship lay scribbled on the page. Essentially, he said this:
Come home immediately. War is coming to Brevoy.
I do not yet know which way the wind blows, but
danger is on every current. Fly home, little sparrow.
Fly home now.
He signed it – Uncle. I wonder how he will react when I tell him I am to be married. Perhaps by next year…
Calistril 22nd, 4710
Dear Diary,
Lexi returned today with wonderful news from Leveton. Oleg’s young bride, Svetlana, delivered twin boys on Calistril 16th. They have named the boys Petyr and Pavil.
Zehavah’s time is not far. I am so excited for them both and so relieved Lexi returned before their own child arrived!
Pharast 13th, 4710
Dear Diary,
A sad day for our fledgling colony. A local builder, Sirak Spandak, fell from some scaffolding and broke his leg in several places. Magical healing was applied, of course, but it will take time and hard work to get his leg moving properly again.
The poor man is recuperating here in the fort, though it is not yet complete. I reflect now upon the frigid winter we endured, and am surprised that we had so few sicknesses, so few deaths – just one infant born far too early and three elders. Truly, we, the founding folk of Phoenixa (how funny that sounds to say aloud) are blessed.
Pharast 26th, 4710
Dear Diary,
For the first time – officially, with seals and sigils and steaming mugs of mulled wine around a grand table – the Council of Phoenixa sat in session today.
In its entirety. All eleven of us at once.
Somehow, despite the multitude of personalities – strong and weak, boisterous and serious – we were able to work well together. Already, the keep is under construction and plans are laid for ranging patrols in the newest land we’ve claimed.
Despite all this – the day flew by so quickly and I cannot even begin to imagine how we will get everything arranged and prepared and scheduled adequately. There are houses to build, merchants to see, children to educate, taxes to collect…
How will we manage it all?
Desnus 28th, 4710
Dear Diary,
A long labor for Zehavah resulted in two of the most precious little things I have ever laid eyes upon – Rachel & Elizabeth Novokovsky.
Zehavah’s beautiful children are dark, like her, with tiny pointed ears which seems to indicate some elven lineage. I wonder if there are elves or half-elves in her tribe’s bloodlines?
Congratulations are in order for them, and then tomorrow will be Founder’s Day – the celebration of the first anniversary of the day the charter came together in Restov.
It is hard to believe that they have only known each other a year. I guess shared experiences – especially the dangerous and dramatic – really drive people closer together. I hope one day to feel as much a part of their family as Gavriil is…
Busy busy! I am presiding over a six marriages tomorrow and I must prepare my speech.
What a wonderful life I have been given. By night, I sleep in the arms of a man who loves me. By day, I help rule a colony of good, true folk, one which I think will someday be a bastion of light and knowledge and goodness. The Stolen Lands will become whole and solid and it all began with us…
Desnus 29th, 4710
Dear Diary,
Founder’s Day was a triumph! The folk came from the furthest farmlands of Phoenixa to celebrate the coming summer with us. I tied twelve beautiful souls together in matrimony. There were games and laughter and so much food!
Perhaps the most surprising occurrence of the day, however, was a marriage proposal that most of us worried would never be. I recall sitting before the fire many months ago, whispering with Rachel (before her passing, naturally) as our friend Erin paced by the horseline and muttered to himself about a letter he wanted to write to Lucille.
We giggled together and she told me of how she had taken him shopping to have fine garments tailored to fit so that he was presentable for their very first date.
Both she and I expressed the opinion that Erin, brave and true – if a bit bumbling and puzzling – would never gather the courage to kiss Lucille, let lone marry the girl.
Yet apparently we were mistaken for today he asked her to be his bride and (to no one’s surprise, for the silly girl is inexplicably mad about him) Lucille accepted.
I do wonder how her uncle will react… Hmm.
Still, I look forward to their wedding with as much anticipation as my own – though I suspect theirs will take place shortly and mine own, longly.
Arodus 18th, 4710
Dear Diary,
One year ago today, I received a summons to appear in the High Priest’s conference room. There, with a handful of other candidates, I waited to be interviewed and evaluated. I worried and fretted and wondered and bit my nails to the quick with anxiety.
Then, I was advised to pack my bags, for I had been selected to serve as a personal spiritual guide for an up-and-coming young nobleman going about his business in the countryside.
Little did I know then, that I had just laid eyes upon my one true love. What a year this has been. What a grand adventure.
Here’s to many more – though most assuredly, I hope to pass them as wife and mother, not simply consort.
Arodus 31st, 4710
Dear Diary,
The opening day of Silverglazer Festival saw our dearest friends, Erin and Lucille, married on the shore of the Tuskwater…
I want so badly to marry my beloved, not to be Queen, but to love him for all my days and to bear our children. I am nineteen years old now; there is no time like the present…
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Note: Image is “Vintage Seal 3” by hisks from