On January 10th, 2016, David Bowie died. The internet was suddenly aflame with people who remembered his music, his videos, his movies, and his gender-bending personas. On Facebook, I saw literally hundreds of RIP posts, photos, tributes, and articles about him. People I would have never guessed were fans,…
Tag Archive for music
Like Nails on a Chalkboard
I don’t like to use the word hate. But dang it, there are some songs I just can’t deal with. When they come up on the radio or Pandora or TV/movies – I absolutely 100% turn the channel or skip to the next song. Do you have those sorts…
Songify This
Have you ever watched any of the “Songify This” videos by the Gregory Bros. (Schmoyoho) on YouTube? WHAT?! Why not?! They are awesome! In fact, here are two of my favorites: Now, onto the songs. I saw this list on Tumblr recently and thought it looked…