I am a slacker. I have been slacking. Yet – I have more progress to update. I’m nearly done with step three. Now, three out of ten does not seem like much, but I have to tell you – in composing the paragraphs…

I am a slacker. I have been slacking. Yet – I have more progress to update. I’m nearly done with step three. Now, three out of ten does not seem like much, but I have to tell you – in composing the paragraphs…
Well, I am writing to you from January 27th to update you on “The Snowflake Method”. I have chosen a project to Snowflake and I’ve completed steps 0, 1, and 2 so far. I am going to get started on step 3 today before I go to sleep and…
Well, this is the first in what I hope will be a series of posts about exploring my writing process – specifically while using Randy Ingermanson’s “The Snowflake Method” (Amazon: here). A friend and fellow writer told me about this book a few months ago and I was skeptical…