Welcome to Jeez, Josie – a blog about Josie, by Josie, for Josie… um… which begs the question, why are you here? Who are you, anyway?
I kid, I kid.
Who can say what this blog will evolve into? There will be posts about my life as a newly-married chick, about my husband, about our puppy-adoption experiences, about our kids (if we have ’em), about our favorite hobby (no, not that) – pen & paper/tabletop gaming, about going grain-free/paleo, about the de-evolution of our society, about tolerance and equality, about faith and spirituality, about violence, about my writing, about things I find amusing on the interwebs, about anything and everything.
It will likely be a series of posts that make many people shake their head and sigh, “Jeez, Josie.”
Thus, the name.
I actually asked a bunch of friends which of half-a-dozen domain names I should register, and JeezJosie.com was the most popular. Its silly, but then, so am I.
Anyway, this is just a simple test post to work out the kinks of a brand spanking new blog – so…

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