12.31.12 That’s our wedding anniversary. We snuck in just under the wire for 2012 tax purposes (not that it helped us, argh), though that was not the purpose of a New Year’s Eve wedding. I’m not sure exactly when I got the idea for a NYE…

12.31.12 That’s our wedding anniversary. We snuck in just under the wire for 2012 tax purposes (not that it helped us, argh), though that was not the purpose of a New Year’s Eve wedding. I’m not sure exactly when I got the idea for a NYE…
As I’ve mentioned before – Mark & I love to play tabletop RPGs (Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, Vampire, Hunter, and so on). Here in PA, we’ve got a great group of friends who also play and every other Saturday we get together to roll some dice. And yes,…
Used to be, the newspapers and classifieds and public notice boards of the US were filled with ‘Free to Good Home’ ads for puppies. Usually mixed breed “Oops” litters (oops, my unaltered bitch was in heat and my unaltered male tied with her *gasp* what a shock…), but it wasn’t exactly difficult…
Blogging is in my blood, man. I’ve been doing it (sorta) all my life. You see, I started writing in a diary when I was about seven, and kept a series of them religiously until middle school. Then, the tragic reading of some entries aloud (without permission) by a…
Welcome to Jeez, Josie – a blog about Josie, by Josie, for Josie… um… which begs the question, why are you here? Who are you, anyway? I kid, I kid. Who can say what this blog will evolve into? There will be posts about my life…