Monthly Archives: May 2014

Two Hundred

      This is the 200th post on       Can you FREAKING believe it? I just glanced at my dashboard the other day and noticed I was sitting at the big 1-9-5, which means that today’s post is the official two hundredth post here.       Amazeballs.      …


      My father died seventeen years ago this week.       Every day after that anniversary will tip the scale, because he will have been gone from my life longer than he was in it. How strange a thought is that?       I lived seventeen years as his precious redheaded…

Donna Jo

      You’re never prepared for the phone call that tells you someone you love has passed on.       I think my mom thought I was being purposely vacuous and a little bitchy, but when I said, “Wait, what? No – what? What?” over and over, I honestly could not wrap my…