Today’s snippet, titled “Song”, is a piece I wrote about my PC in Mark’s new (Good) Pathfinder Campaign.
Be forewarned, there are mature themes and naughty language below.
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An hour later, with her belly full and her mind roiling with anxiety, Rhiallis lay back on her sleeping furs and wrapped an arm around Song. The big speckled canine licked her throat and stretched her long legs, obviously pleased to be reunited at last.
“She,” Kumiko said, laying a hand upon Song’s flank. “Pretty… inu. How to say? Inu?”
“Hai. Yes, she pretty dog.”
Rhiallis smiled. “Song’s great-grand-dam was my first friend when I left home. She was cast off too, exiled from the pack. She followed Molly and I around the countryside for years and one year, when she came into her season, we were wintering with a crofter’s family. Their big, shaggy mountain dog – the kind that can take a full grown deer down, do you have those in your land?”
Kumiko gave a polite shrug and Rhiallis continued anyway, talking just to talk.
“I think his name was Charlie. At any rate, they tied, and before too long, there were puppies. I must have seemed half-mad, or half-a-druid, for while the litter grew they trailed after me on my travels. As must happen for all living things, she grew old and passed on, but her third litter was full grown at that time, and the biggest male became fiercely protective of me.
“Fang, I called him. I admit, I am not terribly clever with names. But Fang was a good boy and he saved my life – and virtue – more than once. A girl alone upon the road… is a vulnerable thing. Fang sired a litter, and from his get, I chose a smaller, prettier pup this time. Snowy. Pure white coat… not very bright, but… I liked her.
“Then…” Rhiallis closed her eyes, holding back a tear and pulling Song closer against her. “Snowy gave me Song. And Song kept me going when there seemed to be no other reason.”
“I understand this,” Kumiko said, softly. For a time, it seemed that she would elaborate, but those dark eyes closed and her lips were sealed. After a moment she withdrew to her own bed and turned her face to the wall.
Rhiallis kept stroking Song’s soft fur while the sounds of sleep bubbled around her.
I was certain you were gone, sweet girl, she thought, casting a fond smile down at her long-time companion. But I am so happy you survived, Song. How in all the Hells did we get reunited in all this chaos? Iomedae must still be looking out for me. My Lady must have had a hand in this…
…I pray She will continue to watch over us, for the night is long and full of shadow. So much depends on our success when we waken. So much. By the Glory and Grace, we must win the day – no matter what – that wardstone cannot fall into Areelu’s hands.
She rolled to her side, spooning the warm, furry friend beside her.
“It must not. Cannot.” Rhiallis closed her eyes once again, seeking the respite of sleep. “It will not.”
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Note: Image is “King Jagiello Statue Central” by (Mulligand) from; edited by me