Ah, yes. A new month, a new week, and a Monday.
Must be time for some “Weird Questions, Weird Answers” by yours truly. Well, the questions aren’t mine. I found them on Tumblr, like I found so many other dumb question sets in the past. But the answers are all me. Just the way you like it. I mean, I presume that’s so, since you’re here. Reading them. The answers, that is, the things I think and write down on this silly, pointless, personal blog.
Without further ado – a series of questions based around the theme of Pathfinder/DnD classes!
- Paladin: What’s your favorite thing about the world?
- Mage: If you could choose a single spell to cast IRL, which would you choose?
- Rogue: What’s your favorite precious stone?
- Alchemist: What’s something you would like to know about one day?
- Barbarian: Do you consider yourself strong?
- Ranger: What’s your favorite animal?
- Bard: What’s your favorite song?
- Cleric: Are you religious? Explain.
- Monk: Do you have good self-control?
- Fighter: What’s something you would fight for? To the death?
- Druid: What’s your favorite flora (tree/plant)?
- Gunslinger: Have you ever used a firearm?
- Samurai: Do you have a strong sense of honor?
- Summoner: What’s your favorite mythological creature?
- Oracle: Do you have a recurring dream? Explain.
- Psion: If you COULD read minds, WOULD you?
- Swashbuckler: Do you consider yourself agile?
The capacity human beings have for love and creativity and imagination and hope and faith and beauty and- Wait, that’s really cheating, isn’t it? I mean – what one thing is my favorite thing about the world? Well, honestly – as much as I hate them at large – people. People are amazing (and horrible). Our differences, our similarities. The way we are all unique in a thousand ways. The infinite variety of the human race, the human experience. You can never tell every story, you can never know every person. It is spectacularly brilliant to me. I marvel at it.
Yeah, its true. I generally abhor people.
But I love them.
People are my favorite thing about this world.
Just kidding. Any spell? Heck, I’d think I’d be pretty set with Prestidigitation, because it can do a lot of little things. Maybe Teleport – so I could visit people and places without spending a cent. I mean, I’d say Wish, but those types of spells always have such expensive material components. I mostly just want enough money in my world so that I can pay rent and our bills each month, with enough left over to get groceries and gas and maybe see a movie or something without worrying that we’ll overdraft every single time.
But Teleport appeals to me right now. Visiting the family, the Timothy, the friends elsewhere, not to mention a quick trip to Korea and Japan and China and Greece and… *ahem* Yeah, Teleport.
With Emeralds as a close second.
Definitely Opals, though. I find them endlessly fascinating.
Languages? I mean, that is something I really want to study more in general. I keep doing Spanish on DuoLingo, but I’m kind of obsessed with Korean right now (and Japanese, low key in the background all the time). Plus, German.
Stronger than some. Weaker than others.
Stronger than I was yesterday. Weaker than I’ll be tomorrow.
I’m evolving, bitch.
Well, I mean, I love her. I still carrying Juno-Felicity in my heart as well. Keiko and Reeka and Anais and Azralat and Jace and Jaz the Mad Cat, too. Duke. Cannabis. Bonnie. Baby. Shelly-boy. Nilili.
But I think my favorite type of animal is a dog. I love them.
Lately, I’ve been really hooked on “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson, featuring Bruno Mars. Like, I hear it and it is in my head for DAYS and I don’t even mind. I love it. It is silly and brilliantly dance-able. Catchy as fuck.
Also, I will always love “Simple Man” and “Amazing Grace” and “Beautiful Goodbye” and “Inconceivable” and pretty much everything on “So Far So Good” by Bryan Adams. I could go on. I have a lot of favorite songs. Mostly old ones.
I am not, but I am.
I have fierce faith and I know the love of a higher being. I’ve felt Grace. I pray.
But the Bible? Nah. I mean, there are good things in it. Its existence brings me closer to God. But I acknowledge a fundamental truth about it too. It was written/transcribed by flawed mortal men, full of their own prejudices and theories, and was touched by the circumstances of their historical context. It was then re-written, translated, interpreted a thousand times by a thousand more flawed, mortal men and women.
Maybe God’s true words are in there somewhere.
But I think it is less about the literal words in the Bible and more about the feeling behind it.
Here’s what I know to be true (and I totally believe in your right to believe differently, so no worries): God is Love.
That’s all.
Sometimes, about some things.
But not always. I’d make a bad Monk, I guess.
I’d fight for my husband. For my family. I’m going to fight for a president who can fight for all of us and for candidates who can support him.
… I mean, maybe? I guess. I like being alive, even when it sucks and I realize I’m a terrible adult/person…
I like Tiger Lilies. Orange Roses. Weeping Willows.
Maple Trees like the one we had back home.
Pretty sculpted bushes! Rhododendrons!
…I’m not much of a nature person.
Okay, it was a BB Gun.
I want to learn to shoot and own a few guns, if we can ever afford it.
In all their variations. The cat-like ones. The greedy violent ones. The intelligent ones. The crazy-cool sunrunning ones of Melanie Rawn’s world. Talking ones, feral ones.
I’ve gone into great detail about one I used to have a LOT in the past. One in which I’m being chased by a two-legged snake man and I end up in a cavern filled with snakes and it is like, evil evil evil. You can taste the evil in the air and I’m so scared, so scared, but I can’t get away and then just as something awful is about to happen – BOOM! – I wake up.
Luckily, I haven’t had that one in years. Probably because the people who were in my life and were very snake-like, are no longer in my life.
Also, my sense of lack of control is manifesting in lots of varied dreams these days. HAH.
There was one about a flood where I was trying to save someone I knew and loved (almost always someone different), but I won’t go into that one now either. I’m still a little skeeved out remembering the devil-snake.
I think it would make me a better writer, if I could really understand how other people think. I know my own brain is weird/atypical, so I have to stretch to figure out how other people see things.
But that’s one of the fun things about writing, isn’t it?
Nope. I’m slow and clumsy and I’m sure my DEX score is like, 10 tops. Average. Maybe more like 8. I probably have a negative modifier, so if someone else gets Fireball in real life, I’m fucked.
Shorter and shorter as the meme went on, aren’t they?
That happens sometimes; I get a little fed up with my word vomit by the end of a meme. Also, probably the same thing with my novels. I’ll have to work on that. Because I hate when an ending feels rushed in other people’s works.
Signing off for now…
Note: Image is “Weird ?s, Weird As” by (Me) with PaintShopPro