I have been studying Spanish (with Duolingo.com) for 30 straight days. Maybe that doesn’t sound like so much or so long, but it is for me. It really is! And okay, so I have a terrible accent (as per usual) and a real Spanish-speaker probably could not understand a…
A Word on First Drafts
It is no surprise to those (HAHAHAHAHA…haha….ha….*sigh*) reading this blog, that I consider myself a talented writer. I do. Stop your giggling, I truly do think that I’m quite good. That said… pretty much everything I “publish” here at JeezJosie.com is a first draft. Rough as fuck. Fresh out…
Out of Context
Okay, so I know I write a lot about our gaming group. I post RPs about the games frequently (constantly? hah!) and there are plenty of stand-alones too, I think. Or, if I don’t write about them here, I definitely post about them on the Facebook. And its a…
FdS: Sailor Moon
This is definitely a topic better designed for Tumblr, home of all the Fandoms, but alas… I don’t do anything with Tumblr (except scroll through lovely artwork in search of portraits to use for characters, inspiration, and fun or writing prompts/tips, and oh yeah – reblog things that I want to refer…
El gato duerme sobre el mono
Boo-yah! That’s right – I’m finally doing what I’ve wanted to do for ages and years and forever… I’m learning a foreign language. Using a combination of Duolingo.com, their smartphone app, and Spanish.About.Com (for more in depth explanations of grammar) I have been going for 14…
Ladybits #5
The fifth and final episode of “Ladybits”, a blog series in which your mighty webmistress subjects you, the poor reader, to yet another thousand or more words about ladies she loves in fiction & film. Thank you, Tumblr, for providing me with fodder for five long-ass posts about… *drumroll* LADIES! …
Scheduled Rant
Welcome to your regularly scheduled Josie-Rant™ Today’s subject? Gosh, there are so many. I could rant about Obamacare (more specifically, against the whole broken American Health system and how tired I am of other people bitching about Obamacare when all I know is that my cousin’s…
Ladybits #4
Part Four of a silly meme I found while browsing the endless sea of weird & wonderful that is Tumblr! This installment: more ladies. *gasp!* Try to hold in your shock & awe. And awaaaaaay we go! A lady you…
Closed Cover
Tonight I closed the cover on a book that I love. I had not read it, or its sister, in half a decade. Why? Because the trilogy remains unfinished and it breaks my heart, to love it so and to never know how it ends. There are so many…
Ladybits #3
Time for the third installment of that silly meme I found while wasting time on Tumblr recently. As I mentioned last time, I chopped it up into bite-sized bits, because who really wants to read 5000 words on my pseudo-feminist rantings? No one. That’s who. ANYway……