Today is Veteran’s Day. 11/11. Thank you all for your service. This week – however – can suck it. This past week saw the single most qualified candidate in the history losing an election that was the culmination of the ugliest, most hateful, most divisive campaign…
Rants & Raves
The Default
Tonight I’m watching “The Station Manager” starring pre-GoT Peter Dinklage, Patricia Clarkson, and Bobby Canavale. It is (so far – not over yet) very good; compelling performances of interesting and, yes, quirky characters. I especially enjoy Peter Dinklage’s “Fin”. He shows so much depth – as you’d expect having…
April Fool’s Day, Redux
Two years ago I wrote a blog about how I preferred the kind-hearted flower-leaving-behind ding-dong-ditch holiday of May Day to the mean-spirited assholery that April Fool’s Day has become. Particularly, in the wake of the internet. I also commented about how funny it must have been for my ol’…
The new F-word
Let’s talk about the dreaded, taboo, hideous, scary, hated, scorned “F” word, shall we? That’s right. Here we go… Feminism. My journey with Feminism started, as it did for a lot of ladies my age (mid-30s), with Barbie, of all things. Sure, she’s been derided as…
So, a couple days ago – I blogged about David Bowie’s passing and how his life/career affected my own. I didn’t go into great detail but the gist of it is – his very existence made me open my eyes and see life beyond my own experience. I have questioned things, I…
Do You Feel It?
Inside the Mind of Josie: Feminism
When I was a wee lass, during those heady high school days with Shannon, Catherine, Betsy, and M’Lynda as my closest clique of friends, I often identified as a feminist. I knew I wasn’t a Republican like them (and really, I think Shannon is the only conservative amongst us now, though admittedly…
Adventures in Colored Hair
Some of you may remember my first foray into the world of VIVID hair. Last September (9/30/13) I got a wild idea stuck in my head. I wanted pink hair. PINK. Bright pink – even neon. I wanted something crazy like I had never done before. I bought some…
Blaming the Victims
It was not a scandal. It was not a leak. It was not their fault. And I am fucking tired of hearing people make comments that imply these young women deserved to have their private photographs stolen and distributed illegally because they are…
via Text Message
So, if this post looks a little different from others, and had an unfortunate auto-correct or two, forgive me. I am Swype’ing this from my phone. It’s mostly just a test. But in it, I wanted to bring up a recurring problem in society today, something that happens via text message. More specifically, it happens…