One part ice cream. One part crunchy cookie bits. One part creamy drizzle. One part chopped nut or crushed candy or fruit or… Sugalard is our creation, and it is very much a reflection of us. Our relationship. …

One part ice cream. One part crunchy cookie bits. One part creamy drizzle. One part chopped nut or crushed candy or fruit or… Sugalard is our creation, and it is very much a reflection of us. Our relationship. …
Happy Birthday, Anke. Shannon. Crozzie. I know you won’t ever read this, but I want to wish you the happiest 34th Birthday anyway. I sent a card. A dorky one, but the thought counts, right? Sometimes, it is very hard…
The new girl with the long, wavy dark hair and the powerful legs. She and her brother, a tall blond boy dozens of girls would eventually crush on (though never me), both had amazing cornflower blue eyes, long faces, and freckles. I didn’t know him, he was older. But…
I’ve been accused once or twice in the distant past, of being a bad friend. I always met those comments with skepticism and derision. How could they call me – ME – a bad friend? Did I not sit for hours in the dark with one friend, waiting for…