Moving on. I am getting the itch to move on lately. Not from Mark, he’s my world. Let’s just dispel THAT rumor before it begins. But I am increasingly dissatisfied with my present situation and that leads to feelings of itchy feet and…

Moving on. I am getting the itch to move on lately. Not from Mark, he’s my world. Let’s just dispel THAT rumor before it begins. But I am increasingly dissatisfied with my present situation and that leads to feelings of itchy feet and…
OT. Over time. As you know, I work from home, doing Help Desk work for a major-mega-corporation-organization-conglomeration-evil-empire (just kidding on that last bit). Rarely, in the course of my day-to-day zombie-shift, is there the opportunity for overtime. Thank God. I mean, I am…
I had every intention of writing three posts for the week on Sunday. < insert comment about the path to Hell >. Mark had been sick all week – just miserable – and when he’s home sick, its super-hard to focus. Hell, when he’s home at all! Tee-hee. But…