Today’s snippet, titled “Bearskin Rug”, is a piece I wrote about an NPC in my Pathfinder Campaign (sort of the “King Maker” adventure path). The intention behind this was to illustrate events occurring in the world, but away from the PCs. They’re supposed to be writing their own pieces about actual in-game events. We shall see if any materialize.
Be forewarned, there are mature themes and naughty language below.
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Lucille had found the bearskin rug a bit uncomfortable at first, its rough fur abrasive against her bare flesh. Now, as she lay utterly naked and entirely spent, she discovered that even that sensation could be rather pleasurable in the proper context.
Beside her, Erin was snoring. She smiled and rested her cheek against the rug again.
“I do wonder what exactly got into you, my love,” she said, chuckling as she stroked his cheek. “Perhaps I shall not object so strenuously next time you decide to go out ‘adventuring’ with your friends.”
On the floor, a few feet away, lay an exquisite gown of silk and lace unlike any she had ever seen – well, except on the pages of various antique books. It was a pale blue that just matched her eyes and set her skin to glowing. The instant she had donned it, Lucille felt like the most beautiful creature in all the world. Then, she had emerged from behind the screen to show Erin and the look in his eyes made her feel like the most desirable woman who had ever lived.
Hours later – amazing, breathless, world-shaking hours later – he was enjoying a well-earned sleep and she reveled in the afterglow. Whether it was long discussions on techniques with Gavriil or some magically-enhanced item, or just his own natural desire cranked up to eleven, Lucille could not deny that the man who had returned from this most recent excursion was not the lover she had known these past few years.
In a good way, she reassured herself and rolled to her back. Her fingers idly traced patterns across her belly and she laughed quietly once more. Maybe little Lucian will have a brother sooner than later, if this keeps up. Though the Gods only know if I can keep up with him, like this. He’ll wear me and the mattress out at this rate!
Lucille closed her eyes, letting her exhaustion wash over her and sleep slide in.
“I do wonder…” she murmured, yawning. “…what ever got into you, myrnidaraför…”
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Note: Image is “Sheep skin texture 4” by michaelaw from