Well, another day, another meme-themed entry. I realized recently that although I mention Mark frequently, I don’t have a lot of photos of us on my blog (or, ever at all anywhere because… we just don’t do photos much) and I don’t talk too much about him specifically. …
Tag Archive for #awesomelifechoices
Well. Today is the twelfth anniversary of our awkwardly adorable “are we boyfriend/girlfriend?” “yeah” “exclusive, then?” “yep” “cool” conversation. Today is also the day I did not pass my CDL test. I shouldn’t phrase it like that. I went in…
The Default
Tonight I’m watching “The Station Manager” starring pre-GoT Peter Dinklage, Patricia Clarkson, and Bobby Canavale. It is (so far – not over yet) very good; compelling performances of interesting and, yes, quirky characters. I especially enjoy Peter Dinklage’s “Fin”. He shows so much depth – as you’d expect having…
I am a lucky girl. I have my life-long platonic soulmate, Timothy, back home in Washington. I have my life-partner and husband, Mark, every day at my side. And I have my bestie. Abbie and I met in December of…