Tag Archive for mark

Outages Suck

      Well sir, that sucked.       Had a weird technical blip, but as far as I can tell, none of my domains/blogs were lost permanently. So yay.       Today is a gaming day, so I shall definitely have some more snippets soon, but at the moment – I just…

New Year

      Mark & I spent the New Year, as we so frequently spend evenings, together. We were hanging out, snacking on the traditional fare of salami, cheese & crackers, sipping (okay, we might have chugged it) sparkling cider, watching movies, laughing.       It was pretty low-key for our first anniversary, but…

Self-Reflection, Part Two

      Oh, a Part Two post, eh? Fun.       Water Lily, why don’t you go ahead and stop making this ancient Golden Girls reference and just talk about yourself on your own little blog?       This one has such deep questions. Ay, yi, yi! Here goes nothing. —————————- Do…

Hot Roots

      At age 33, I can look back to my teenage years and objectively see that I was not a risk taker. I was never a wild child. I was mostly responsible, polite, (mostly) well behaved and respectful…       I said no to drugs. I didn’t sleep around (not for lack…

One Year

      Every day is a miracle.       It is a blessing.       One year ago today, I nearly lost the love of my life.       I could write about the long night we spent, tossing and turning because he was obviously sick and in pain, but had…