
Outages Suck

      Well sir, that sucked.       Had a weird technical blip, but as far as I can tell, none of my domains/blogs were lost permanently. So yay.       Today is a gaming day, so I shall definitely have some more snippets soon, but at the moment – I just…

Still Alive

      I survived.       So far, any way.       The other day, after a few weeks of just feeling weird and wrong, with twinges in my chest and constant anxiety over dropping dead… I woke Mark up just as I was getting off work at 7am and had him…

Carol Jean

      Most of us have family, in some regard or another. I, for one, have a large one. Both paternal and maternal cousins, aunts, uncles, great-aunts & great-uncles, second and third and fifteenth cousins…       Growing up, I always felt a bit of a black sheep. My family never made me…