Well sir, that sucked. Had a weird technical blip, but as far as I can tell, none of my domains/blogs were lost permanently. So yay. Today is a gaming day, so I shall definitely have some more snippets soon, but at the moment – I just…
Still Alive
I survived. So far, any way. The other day, after a few weeks of just feeling weird and wrong, with twinges in my chest and constant anxiety over dropping dead… I woke Mark up just as I was getting off work at 7am and had him…
Anke & Ushi
The new girl with the long, wavy dark hair and the powerful legs. She and her brother, a tall blond boy dozens of girls would eventually crush on (though never me), both had amazing cornflower blue eyes, long faces, and freckles. I didn’t know him, he was older. But…
Ignored Warnings
“Stay away from that Greymaer guy, though, he’s a lech.” Thus spake Emily, and thus began my relationship with Mark. I was fresh out of a long, stupid engagement in which I had never once been happy, and done with a long, stupid break-up that kept…
Warning, emo rant incoming. I am making small changes. But it may be too little, too late. Sometimes it feels like I’m just killing time until the inevitable. And that’s scary as hell. A heart attack is terrifying. What if I’m in a bad place when…
I tend to censor myself, a lot, on this blog. I don’t know why – it certainly isn’t as if anyone reads it. At this point, I believe this personal little journal is as private as my old Snoopy diary with the twisty-lock ever was. Which, to be honest,…
Carol Jean
Most of us have family, in some regard or another. I, for one, have a large one. Both paternal and maternal cousins, aunts, uncles, great-aunts & great-uncles, second and third and fifteenth cousins… Growing up, I always felt a bit of a black sheep. My family never made me…
The Blue List, Episode One
I have written a lot lately about how I am scared to die – not ready to go, too young, too unaccomplished of the things I dream about, et cetera. But in all that, I feel like I haven’t talked much about how grateful I am – for the life I have…
The Big Game™
You mustn’t say the trademarked words, lest you incur the wrath of the NFL OverLords, who shall sue your little blog into oblivion for daring to make a profit on the back their intellectual property. Well, I suppose it makes sense, but it largely…rude. I mean “The Big Game”…
If I Die Young..
There are so many things I want to do in this world. Yes, the big things, like buy a house and have a baby; raise that child and get another dog. Love my husband until we die, old and content with the life we built. Write novels and publish…