A year ago, I married the man I love. I know it is terribly cliché to say that I married my best friend, but I did, and I know it is even more cliché to say that I love him more each day, but I do. …
A Gift
I suspect 2014 will be a year of change. It will mark my second year of marriage. It will mark my 34th Birthday. It will see my puppy starting her second year – getting to fill-out to her full adult size. It will see my nephews growing, my family…
Books. I am a writer. I love words. And when words come together in a swirling conglomeration of emotion and character and plot and rhythm and awesome… a book is born. Thus, loving words, I love books. What do you mean that logic…
Glut of Birthdays
Between November and December each year, a huge number of people in my life celebrate their birthdays. People who I am close to and care for – not just Facebook acquaintances and celebrities. My mother-in-law, a wonderful woman who made me feel loved and included and accepted from the…
Night, Light’s Enemy
You know, it was just a few days ago when I wrote about how disenchanted I was becoming with everything I was writing, had written, was thinking about writing… Today, I am excited again. Today, I am getting super-psyched about a character and I want to…
Insanity 2013: It is OVER!
OMG. This is why I’m in trouble at work. Lack of attention to detail – which is odd, because that is something I’ve long prided myself on. At any rate, I totally forgot to update the placeholder post with my actual thoughts and such on NaNo…
Insanity 2013: Day Twenty-Eight
Okay – slightly early, its only Day Twenty-Seven, but I wanted to keep my odd-days going. So there. We’ll check up again on 12-1. I might finish with fifty thousand words after all. Might. But it won’t be the complete novel I was hoping for. Tons of work, dozens…
Insanity 2013: Day Twenty-One
Week Three update time! I am not going to finish. I can admit that without feeling like a failure. This is the first failure I will record in four years. The streak will end. Probably. I mean, I’m still writing. Nearly ten thousand…
Insanity 2013: Day Fifteen
Half-way done! It is November 15th! …but alas, I am not even close to half-way done. I am not even close to sure what I am going to do anymore. I think I am going to start something new – again – and maybe finish it. Hopefully. …
Insanity 2013: Day Seven
Ahoy – November 7th! I am totally fubar. So far behind. By day 7, my total should be north of 11k. My real goal was to be north of 15k. My reality is just over 5k, with the frustrating fact that more than 50% of what…