Lately, I’ve been tired. The kind of tired that does not seem to abate with 10 hours of sleep (split of course, because that’s the only way I seem to be able to get it lately). The kind of tired that leaves me yawning and wanting…

Lately, I’ve been tired. The kind of tired that does not seem to abate with 10 hours of sleep (split of course, because that’s the only way I seem to be able to get it lately). The kind of tired that leaves me yawning and wanting…
Tonight I’m watching “The Station Manager” starring pre-GoT Peter Dinklage, Patricia Clarkson, and Bobby Canavale. It is (so far – not over yet) very good; compelling performances of interesting and, yes, quirky characters. I especially enjoy Peter Dinklage’s “Fin”. He shows so much depth – as you’d expect having…
Below you will find a verbose character sketch I wrote for Paul’s “Skulls & Shackles” campaign game. Beware of naughty themes and language below… ~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~ Name: Lorenzo La Fontainbleu Age: 23 DoB: 11th Neth Height: 5’8” Weight: 155 Hair: Dark brown, wavy, shoulder-length Eye: Hazel brown Features: Aquiline nose, strong…
I am a slacker. I have been slacking. Yet – I have more progress to update. I’m nearly done with step three. Now, three out of ten does not seem like much, but I have to tell you – in composing the paragraphs…
Well, I am writing to you from January 27th to update you on “The Snowflake Method”. I have chosen a project to Snowflake and I’ve completed steps 0, 1, and 2 so far. I am going to get started on step 3 today before I go to sleep and…
Well, this is the first in what I hope will be a series of posts about exploring my writing process – specifically while using Randy Ingermanson’s “The Snowflake Method” (Amazon: here). A friend and fellow writer told me about this book a few months ago and I was skeptical…
Now that we’re back into the swing of things (sort of, I mean, I’ve got three months of Rhiallis posts already queued up for 2016 and there are a dozen more at least) I wanted to make a sticky post here to give a caveat (okay…several) about my blog. …
NaNo is coming. I think I wrote about it recently, but maybe not. I don’t know anymore. All these blog posts are mixed up in my head and I’m easily confused. But one way or another, as the Starks say so often (sort of), “NaNo is…
Well, there was a recent post here about the Future of the Blog. Specifically, what to do with all my Serpent Skull snippets, and the Rhiallis snippets. As expected, life intervened with a solution and Rhiallis is taking a holiday. For reasons I’ll discuss in another…
I have lots of writing I could continue to publish here. As it stands, as I write this, there are already several Rhiallis stories in the queue for the rest of September. And I’ve got two more “chapters” ready to send to the gaming group (which means, ready to break up and…